10 Other Ways to Say “Let’s Do This” (With Examples)

10 Other Ways to Say “Let’s Do This” (With Examples)

Are you tired of always saying, “Let’s do this,” when you want to start something? Don’t worry! There are many other fun and exciting ways to express the same idea. In this article, we’ll explore 10 phrases you can use instead. These new sayings will add some spice to your conversations and make you sound more interesting.

10 Other Ways to Say “Let’s Do This”

  1. Let’s get this show on the road!
  2. It’s going time!
  3. Let’s make it happen!
  4. Let’s get down to business!
  5. Time to roll up our sleeves!
  6. Let’s dive in!
  7. Ready, set, go!
  8. Let’s kick things off!
  9. It’s time to shine!
  10. Let’s rock and roll!

Now, let’s dive into each phrase and see how to use them daily.

1. Let’s get this show on the road!

This fun phrase means it’s time to start something exciting. You might use it when you’re about to begin a big project or go on a trip.

Example: “Okay, everyone’s here. Let’s get this show on the road and start our family vacation!”

2. It’s going time!

When you say, “It’s going time!” you’re telling people to prepare for action. This is perfect for sports or when you need to act fast.

Example: “The game is about to start. It’s going time, team!”

3. Let’s make it happen!

This phrase is all about taking action to achieve a goal. It’s great for motivating a group to work together.

Example: “We’ve talked about this project for weeks. Now, let’s make it happen!”

4. Let’s get down to business!

When you want to focus and start working seriously, this is the phrase to use. It shows you’re ready to concentrate on the task at hand.

Example: “Alright, playtime is over. Let’s get down to business and finish our homework.”

5. Time to roll up our sleeves!

This saying means it’s time to start working hard. It comes from rolling up your sleeves before doing manual labor.

Example: “The garden is a mess. Time to roll up our sleeves and start weeding!”

6. Let’s dive in!

When you want to start something immediately without hesitation, use this phrase. It’s like jumping into a pool—you’re fully committing to the task.

Example: “The new book series looks amazing. Let’s dive in and start reading!”

7. Ready, set, go!

This classic phrase is often used at the start of a race. It’s excellent for any situation where you want to begin something with energy.

Example: “Everyone lined up? Ready, set, go! Let’s start this scavenger hunt!”

8. Let’s kick things off!

To “kick things off” means to start an event or activity. It’s a casual and friendly way to get things going.

Example: “Welcome to our class party! Let’s kick things off with some fun games.”

9. It’s time to shine!

Use this phrase to encourage someone to do their best or show off their skills.

Example: “You’ve practiced so hard for this recital. It’s time to shine!”

10. Let’s rock and roll!

This fun phrase comes from music but is now used to enthusiastically say, “Let’s get started.” It adds a cool, energetic vibe to any situation.

Example: “The car is packed, and we’re ready for our road trip. Let’s rock and roll!”


Now you have ten fabulous new ways to say, “Let’s do this!” These phrases will make your speech more colorful and fun. Remember, the key is to use them in the right situation. Some are better for casual settings, while others work well in more serious moments. Try using one of these phrases next time you want to start something.

Your varied vocabulary will impress your friends, family, or teammates. Plus, it’s a great way to bring more energy and excitement to any activity you’re about to begin. So, which one will you use first? It’s time to implement these new phrases and spice up your conversations. Let’s get this show on the road and use our new vocabulary!