10 Other Ways to Say “Meet and Greet” (With Examples)

10 Other Ways to Say “Meet and Greet” (With Examples)

Hey there! Have you ever been to a meet and greet? It’s when people get together to say hi and get to know each other. But guess what? There are many different fun ways to say “meet and greet”! In this article, we’ll look at 10 excellent alternatives. These words can make your invitations sound more exciting or help you describe events differently. Let’s dive in and learn some new phrases!

10 Ways to Say “Meet and Greet”

Here’s a quick list of the 10 alternatives we’ll explore:

  1. Get-together
  2. Mixer
  3. Social hour
  4. Icebreaker session
  5. Networking event
  6. Welcome party
  7. Mingle
  8. Meet-up
  9. Open house
  10. Gathering

Now, let’s look at each one in more detail!

1. Get-together

A get-together is a casual, friendly meeting. It’s perfect for small groups or informal events.

Example: “We’re having a neighborhood get-together this Saturday. Come join us for snacks and fun!”

2. Mixer

A mixer is an event where people can meet, talk, and relax. It’s often used for work or school events.

Example: “The company is hosting a mixer for new employees next week.”

3. Social hour

This is a set time for people to chat and have drinks before or after a main event.

Example: “Before the concert, there will be a social hour in the lobby.”

4. Icebreaker session

An icebreaker session uses games or activities to help people feel more comfortable and get to know each other.

Example: “We’ll start the workshop with a quick icebreaker session to introduce everyone.”

5. Networking event

This is a more formal gathering where people meet to make business contacts or find job opportunities.

Example: “The chamber of commerce is holding a networking event for local business owners.”

6. Welcome party

A welcome party is held to greet new people or celebrate someone’s arrival.

Example: “Let’s throw a welcome party for the new neighbors!”

7. Mingle

Mingle means moving around and talking to different people at a social event.

Example: “After the presentation, guests will have time to mingle and discuss the ideas.”

8. Meet-up

A meet-up is an informal gathering of people with similar interests. It’s often organized online.

Example: “I’m attending a book lovers’ meet-up at the library this weekend.”

9. Open house

An open house is when a place or organization invites people to visit and look around.

Example: “The school is having an open house for prospective students and their families.”

10. Gathering

A gathering is a general term for any group coming together for a purpose.

Example: “We’re planning a small gathering to celebrate Mom’s birthday.”


Wow! We’ve learned 10 excellent ways to say “meet and greet”! These new words can make talking about events more fun and exciting. Remember, you can use different words depending on the type of event or who you’re talking to.

Whether it’s a casual get-together or a formal networking event, now you have many fantastic ways to describe it. So go ahead and try out these new phrases the next time you invite friends to hang out or talk about a big event. It’s a great way to keep your language fresh and exciting!